Monthly Archives: September 2024

When Kids Suffer Because Adults Don’t Lock Up Guns
It was an unspeakable tragedy. A five-year old child discovered a loaded handgun which was unlocked in his father’s home right here in Maryland. While playing with the weapon, the child shot and killed himself. His father, Warin Foster, is facing charges of reckless endangerment, allowing a minor to access a firearm, and manslaughter,… Read More »

Be Wary of Coercion After an Arrest
Cooperate with police—that’s a no-brainer. But what does it mean? If you’ve been arrested and charged with a crime, provide your name, don’t try to escape, and comply with officer requests. What doesn’t it mean? Spilling your guts. Instead, respectfully request an attorney before responding to any provocations, questions, or “facts” the police may… Read More »

When Kids Experience Harm Due to Neglect in Daycare
Your kids are precious, and when you leave them with a daycare center while you work or are otherwise engaged, you want them cared for with the same diligence you provide yourself. Oftentimes, that is exactly what happens. But unfortunately, there are sometimes cases where daycare centers are simply not safe, and parents don’t… Read More »

Racial Profiling Impacts Criminal Justice
Although in some circles it is believed racial discrimination is an appalling—albeit antiquated segment of American history, there are more than a few people of color who contend that it has not been alleviated in modern times. Discrimination based on ethnicity, national origin, race, and religion can be devastating in multiple settings, none more… Read More »