9 Tips when Arrested

If you’ve been arrested, you may find yourself feeling so panicked that you just can’t think straight. But it’s essential that you hold it together, because mistakes in this situation can be very costly. Try to think rationally and keep these tips in mind:
- Cooperate: It is NEVER a good idea to resist arrest or to actually try to evade police.
- Call your attorney immediately. You are a suspect in a criminal case. It is important that your attorney is there so that your rights are protected.
- Stay mum. Politely explain that you will be exercising your 5th Amendment rights. You are not required to answer any questions before your attorney arrives because anything that you tell them could ultimately be used to make a case against you. Avoid even off-the-cuff chatting that might seem unconnected to the case at hand. Don’t try to justify or explain yourself at all. The only things you should consider asking is if you are free to go, or if you can call your attorney. That’s it.
- Check what you might feel like sharing about the case with friends and family. It’s possible they’ll be called to testify about it at some point, so whatever you disclose could wind up hurting you. Don’t put them in a position where they may have to share information that could jeopardize your case!
- Don’t post anything on social media that might damage your character. You simply can’t know what might be used against you later on. Of course, never post anything about the current case!
- Do not contact your accuser. Don’t try to clear up any misunderstandings or apologize. If they try to contact you, shut it down and let your attorney know.
- Show up for court appearances on time, dressed, appropriately, and with the intent to get along with the judge. Anything less could be construed as a sign of disrespect for the judicial process –or worse—toward the judge. Any antagonism, arrogance, or general disrespect on your part could lead to contempt of court charges. That will only serve to make things worse for you—meaning fines and/or jail time.
- Tell it straight to your attorney. A good criminal defense attorney is programmed to fight for your rights, but that’s a tall order if you withhold relevant details. If the prosecution surprises your attorney with facts, it becomes much more difficult to achieve positive outcomes for you.
The dedicated and knowledgeable La Plata & Waldorf criminal defense attorneys at The Law Office of Hammad S. Matin, P.A. will give it everything they’ve got in order to get the best possible outcomes in your case. Call our office for a confidential consultation today.