Accidental Ways We Incriminate Ourselves

If you have been pulled over for a traffic stop or involved in an accident, sometimes it is only natural to want to justify your actions and say you’re sorry, even if you aren’t at fault. Unfortunately, even a simple explanation can be used as a confession. Everyday people accidentally incriminate themselves when being pulled over or after being in an accident. This may be done to try to reduce penalties but can actually make things worse. That’s why knowing these common mistakes could help you avoid incriminating yourself the next time you are pulled over during a traffic stop or find yourself in the middle of an accident:
Don’t Apologize
As children we learn quickly to apologize for our mistakes, even if we aren’t necessarily at fault. That’s why it is natural to apologize to the police when you are pulled over for a routine stop, or to say sorry to the other people in a car accident. An apology may be a knee jerk reaction or meant as a way to acknowledge that the other party has been inconvenienced by the incident. However, apologizing can also give the impression that you are guilty. Because of this, it is important to refrain from saying sorry or implying in any manner that you may be guilty.
Never Acknowledge Guilt
Along with saying an apology, it isn’t uncommon for a person to admit guilt for a crime in hope of receiving a free pass for what they did or reducing the sentence. This can happen when a stressed-out driver is stopped in a traffic stop. However, not only does admitting guilt make it easier for you to be prosecuted, it will never guarantee leniency from the prosecutors or police officers making the stop. Even if this method has worked for you in the past, never express guilt in hope that you will avoid serious consequences. It will backfire as often as it will help.
Don’t Post Evidence Online
Posting our lives on social media is a growing trend, but there have been plenty of incidents where people that were guilty of relatively minor crimes end up causing more trouble for themselves by posting evidence of their crime online. For example, teenagers posting photos of themselves drinking under age, adults using illegal drugs, and more are not uncommon on social media. In addition to getting negative feedback from other users of social media, these people are also drawing the attention of law enforcement officials. Police spend time checking social media for proof of crimes so they can have evidence readily available to secure a conviction.
Contact an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney
Before you talk to anyone regarding your routine traffic stop, car accident, or criminal charges, you need to speak to an experienced attorney. We can give you the best legal advice that will be based on your specific situation. The Maryland criminal defense attorneys at The Law Office of Hammad S. Matin, P.A. can help you ensure that your rights are protected. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.