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Category Archives: Car Accident


Maryland Wrong Way Crashes

By Hammad S. Matin |

When 64-year-old John Quame De Love travelled Interstate 695 in the wee hours of the morning one August day, he couldn’t have imagined that another vehicle would come barreling toward him in his lane, and slam into his Chevy Malibu. Not unlike many other wrong-way collisions across the country, the crash was fatal for… Read More »

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Keeping a Vehicle in Shape is Important!

By Hammad S. Matin |

The majority of drivers take being out on the road pretty seriously.  They keep pretty close to the posted speed limits, stop at red lights, and try to drive within the parameters of the law more or less.  While it’s true that drivers do make errors or get careless at times, many people can… Read More »

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Unlicensed Drivers Threaten Safety

By Hammad S. Matin |

When a commercial dump truck was stolen by an unlicensed driver in Hampstead, it turned into more than a simple stolen vehicle case. The 26-year old driver went on a joy ride, attempting to evade police, and ultimately smashing into an unsuspecting driver head-on, killing that driver.  It was a dramatic and heart-wrenching conclusion… Read More »

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Drinking And Driving During The Holidays

By Hammad S. Matin |

It’s a deadly blend: alcohol and the control of a motorized vehicle.  And that combination rises during the time of year that families are most focused on joy and comradery—during the winter holidays.  While typically alcohol related fatalities account for about one in four deaths on the road, during the holidays that number increases… Read More »

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Intersections Are Dangerous Places

By Hammad S. Matin |

Some of the footage is astounding:  cars crumple and grind, tires squeal.  And, in the most heinous cases, people are injured or killed.  Traffic cams record ghastly crashes, along with plenty of near misses involving multiple vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists in Maryland. If you or a loved one are injured in a serious accident… Read More »

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The Risk of Driving When Drowsy

By Hammad S. Matin |

If you’ve ever started to nod off when behind the wheel of your vehicle, you’re not alone.  The fact is, six in ten adults say they’ve driven when they were tired, and about a third of them admit to actually falling asleep behind the wheel.  If it makes you feel unsafe being out on… Read More »

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Watch Out for Drunk Drivers on Super Bowl Sunday

By Hammad S. Matin |

We made it through Christmas and even New Year’s, but do you know what the next holiday is? While some people might argue this, the next veritable holiday in the United States is Super Bowl Sunday. An estimated 100 million people tune into the NFL’s championship game each year. Some manage to get their… Read More »

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Rideshare Accidents and Liability

By Hammad S. Matin |

Ridesharing services, such as Uber and Lyft, are efficient ways to get around and are generally billed as the safe alternative after a night out. However, these drivers have accidents, too. What happens when a rideshare driver’s accident causes you harm? Accident Liability Drivers for Uber and Lyft are independent contractors, meaning that they… Read More »

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Rear End Accidents and Liability in Maryland

By Hammad S. Matin |

Rear end accidents are one of the most common types of motor vehicle accidents. Although some people consider them minor fender benders, they can result in expensive medical costs and car repair bills. No matter how much you try to be careful while behind the wheel, you are always at risk of another driver… Read More »

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Winter Weather Causes Massive Accidents in Carroll County

By Hammad S. Matin |

The police department in Carroll County reported to a whopping 32 collisions in a 39-hour time frame due to snow and rain that pelted the area. Fortunately, out of all of the accidents, there was only one roadway closure that resulted from one fatality. Although weather isn’t always the cause of car accidents, the… Read More »

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