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Category Archives: Criminal Defense


911 Call Analysis Looks Like Junk Science

By Hammad S. Matin |

Imagine the inconceivable happens—you discover someone who appears to be dead. It might be a total stranger; it might be someone you know. Automatically, you grab your phone and dial 911 to report it, which is the logical and responsible thing to do, right!  But in an unfathomable twist of events, you wind up… Read More »

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The Incarceration of Females

By Hammad S. Matin |

The number has increased seven-fold since 1980:  we’re talking about incarcerated girls and women. Certainly, far more men than women are behind bars in this country, but some may not realize the fact that women are entering jails and prisons at double the rate of men, with roughly 200,000 females behind bars  right now. … Read More »

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Facing Charges of Abuse/Neglect of the Elderly

By Hammad S. Matin |

As an employee in a nursing home, you think you’ve seen it all. Patients of all stripes come in, and a beleaguered staff with limited resources is expected to address the many needs of multiple elderly residents. There’s no question that things could be better. But are you personally liable for the situation when… Read More »

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Misconceptions Related to Criminal Charges

By Hammad S. Matin |

If you are facing criminal charges, you know how jarring it can be, even if you are innocent—or maybe especially if you are innocent.  You may be told not to worry—the truth always wins out in the end.  But, unfortunate as it is, innocent people are convicted of crimes and locked up every single… Read More »

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9 Tips when Arrested

By Hammad S. Matin |

If you’ve been arrested, you may find yourself feeling so panicked that you just can’t think straight.  But it’s essential that you hold it together, because mistakes in this situation can be very costly. Try to think rationally and keep these tips in mind: Cooperate: It is NEVER a good idea to resist arrest… Read More »

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Voter Intimidation is Illegal

By Hammad S. Matin |

Although you sincerely believed  you were acting as a patriot when you chatted up fellow voters, you’ve now been arrested and charged with voter intimidation.  What is voter intimidation, and what should you do about these charges? Voter Intimidation Defined  S. code defines voter intimidation as interactions with a fellow voter involving coercion, threats,… Read More »

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Be Wary of Coercion After an Arrest

By Hammad S. Matin |

Cooperate with police—that’s a no-brainer. But what does it mean? If you’ve been arrested and charged with a crime, provide your name, don’t try to escape, and comply with officer requests.  What doesn’t it mean? Spilling your guts.  Instead, respectfully request an attorney before responding to any provocations, questions, or “facts” the police may… Read More »

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Racial Profiling Impacts Criminal Justice

By Hammad S. Matin |

Although in some circles it is believed racial discrimination is an appalling—albeit antiquated segment of American history, there are more than a few people of color who contend that it has not been alleviated in modern times.  Discrimination based on ethnicity, national origin, race, and religion can be devastating in multiple settings, none more… Read More »

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Police Use of Deadly Force Continues

By Hammad S. Matin |

America has seen thousands of protestors standing up to unwarranted police use of force since 2020, when the Gorge Floyd case brought the issue into focus for millions of people. The aim of protests was to bring awareness to a sober issue impacting countless communities across the country and to get police to restrict… Read More »

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Are Dropped or Dismissed Charges in the Cards?

By Hammad S. Matin |

You’ve been charged with a crime, and it’s petrifying. How could this have happened to you? Right now you are praying that law enforcement resolves that it was all some crazy mistake and you’ll be able to walk away and forget the whole thing. That kind of marvel could occur if the charges were… Read More »

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