Charged with Engaging the Services of a Prostitute? You Need Legal Counsel

Being charged with assignation (i.e. allegedly scheduling an appointment with a prostitute or any action taken to further the engagement with a prostitute) is a serious offense in Maryland that can have life-changing implications. To be sure, even the mere act of requesting a prostitute, without engaging in any further action, could result in you serving jail time and having to pay a large fine (if convicted).
If you are charged with a more heinous offense like deriving a profit from others engaging in acts of prostitution, there is a risk you could be sentenced to a prison sentence of up to ten years and a multi-thousand-dollar fine.
Overview of Maryland Prostitution Laws
The law governing prostitution and assignation is Maryland Code §11-306. This statute defines prostitution as the exchange of money or goods for a sexual act, or acts. Soliciting a prostitute also falls under this statutory provision. The primary distinction between prostitution and solicitation is minimal since they are, in effect, different forms of solicitation. The important distinction is between solicitation and assignation. If you were allegedly seeking the services of a prostitute, you are likely facing charges related to assignation/engagement since assignation is defined as an offer of money in exchange for a sex act or some kind.
Defending Against a Prostitution Charge
If you are charged with assignation or engagement of a prostitute, do not simply raise the white flag and accept whatever penalties are proposed by the government. You have rights, including the right to raise a credible defense.
An important defense that may be raised is if you had no actual intent to engage in an act of sex for money. This is a particularly compelling defense if you were at a massage parlor and genuinely believed that you had paid for a non-sexual massage. Remember, the government bears the burden of showing, beyond a reasonable doubt, that you knowingly sought out a prostitute to engage in sex acts for money.
Take Action Now
If you are facing criminal charges for engagement with a prostitute, time is a critical factor when preparing your defense. This is why it makes sense to retain the services of an experienced and skilled Waldorf prostitution defense attorney as soon as possible. Once retained, your lawyer can investigate the incident and arrest to determine if there were any procedural defects or if there were errors in the charging documents. An experienced lawyer can also see if there are any issues with the investigation conducted by the Maryland police such as questioning you without an attorney being present after you were placed under arrest.
Have Questions? Schedule a Consultation with an Experienced Prostitution Defense Attorney
If you are facing prostitution charges, a conviction can result in jail time and monetary penalties. You need an experienced criminal defense attorney from The Law Office of Hammad S. Matin, P.A. Our La Plata and Waldorf criminal defense attorneys are ready to represent you. Contact our office today.