Courtroom Decorum Behooves You

You’re in a courtroom facing criminal charges, and you’re really not happy about it. You have dozens of thoughts running through your head that are just itching to get out. But irrespective of the situation, it’s never prudent to spout off, despite what you may have heard about Donald Trump’s courtroom antics.
Mr. Trump’s Conduct
Mr. Trump’s behavior was publicized following the civil case involving defendant Trump and plaintiff E. Jean Carroll. U. S. District Judge Kaplan threatened to have Mr. Trump removed from the proceedings following commentaries Trump provided during Carroll’s testimony The exchange between Kaplan and Trump became grew heated as the judge admonished that, while the defendant had the right to be present for his trial, that right is forfeited if he becomes too disruptive. Mr. Trump quickly rejoined that he would love to be removed (perhaps because he thought it would give him a basis to appeal?). The judge then observed that Trump was having trouble controlling himself in the courtroom, to which Trump responded, “Neither can you,” as he threw his hands above his head in exasperation. While he was never removed from the room, his attitude was noted in multiple news stories.
Expulsion from a Courtroom Can and Does Happen
In lieu of actually removing someone, the judge could find a defendant in contempt and issue fines and other punishments, such as jail time. But one attorney familiar with the matter outlined what commonly constitutes reasons to remove a defendant or court observer from the courtroom, observing that judges often warn disruptive entities more than once before actually going through with it. Actions that could result in removal include verbal abuse (including cutting remarks, name calling, and interruptions), threats, and physical violence. A defendant’s right to be present must always be weighed against the impact said defendant’s behavior may have on others in the courtroom. In terms of whether being removed from the courtroom is grounds for appeal, appellate courts are more likely to affirm the decision for removal when the exclusion occurred after a defendant was warned and behaviors persisted.
Did Trump get More Leeway than Other Defendants?
Some believe Donald Trump seems to be getting more leeway than many other defendants might. This could be due to the fact that he is a former U.S. president, not to mention the likely republican nominee for president in the upcoming election. Ultimately, though, he may find himself facing the same kinds of repercussions as anyone else if his courtroom decorum continues to be problematic.
If seeing Trump get away with mouthing off to a district judge makes you think it’s something you may like to take a shot at, think again. Judges are formidable individuals who don’t have to put up with that type of nonsense, and chances are you would wind up with a contempt charge and the resulting fines and/or incarceration, on top of the consequences associated with your original charges.
Advocating for You
The experienced LaPlata & Waldorf criminal defense attorneys at The Law Office of Hammad S. Matin, P.A. model the respect and decorum necessary in court, while fighting vigorously for the best outcomes for you. To discuss your situation, schedule a confidential consultation today.