The Benefits of Having a DUI Attorney
When you’re charged with driving under the influence or driving while intoxicated, you can benefit from hiring a DUI lawyer in Charles County. DUI lawyers have extensive experience navigating the criminal justice system, can negotiate plea deals that may prevent you from serving jail or prison time, and can identify weaknesses in the prosecution’s case that may result in the judge dropping the charges against you.
Your DUI lawyer will evaluate your blood alcohol content, aggravating or mitigating circumstances surrounding your charge, your criminal history, and your history of past DUI charges. He will use this information to make a recommendation to you as to whether you should plead guilty, go to trial, or pursue a plea agreement.
As your DUI lawyer negotiates with the state regarding your charges, he will try to lower your charge to a less severe one. This may result in less jail time, or even no jail time, depending upon the facts of the case. If you have been charged with previous DUIs, you definitely need to hire a DUI lawyer to represent you in court to attempt to lessen your sentence or protect you from jail time.