Unlicensed Drivers Threaten Safety

When a commercial dump truck was stolen by an unlicensed driver in Hampstead, it turned into more than a simple stolen vehicle case. The 26-year old driver went on a joy ride, attempting to evade police, and ultimately smashing into an unsuspecting driver head-on, killing that driver. It was a dramatic and heart-wrenching conclusion to the ride—one that highlights the danger that unlicensed drivers put others in every time they choose to break the law and get behind the wheel of a vehicle.
Frightening Facts
According to AAA, one in five accidents on the road involve unlicensed drivers. Some of these drivers have simply never acquired a license due to age, language, or other issues; others have had their license revoked or suspended due to reckless driving, impaired driving, or other driving issues. Regardless of the circumstances, unlicensed drivers put everyone else at risk of an accident. To make matters worse, you can count on the fact that most of these drivers do not have insurance, and even if they do, most insurance is null and void if an unlicensed driver takes the wheel. So when an accident does occur, they won’t have the coverage to address property damage, injuries, or long term expenses.
Who Drives Without a License?
Studies indicate that most unlicensed drivers fall into particular categories: They are generally males under the age of 16. The next largest group of these drivers are males aged 21-34.
Maryland Law
Driving without a license in Maryland could result in a couple of months behind bars, $500 in fines, and five points deducted from one’s driving record: that’s for a first charge that doesn’t involve other issues. Jail time could be for as long as a full year for subsequent charges. Clearly, the offense is one to be taken seriously.
After a Collision with an Unlicensed Driver
Your own uninsured motorist insurance will likely cover a good portion of damages following an accident, but in a serious collision, there will be extraordinary and long-term expenses that continue long after your own insurance has run out. Then, your best option may be to file a personal injury/wrongful death lawsuit against the perpetrator of the accident. Particularly if that individual was criminally charged, it will give you a leg up in a civil suit.
Moving Past the Accident
The La Plata & Waldorf car accident lawyers at The Law Office of Hammad S. Matin, P.A., have been through cases like this before. Bring your questions and concerns to us, and let us help you to understand the possibilities going forward. Schedule a confidential consultation in our La Plata & Waldorf office today.