Whiplash Injuries

Chronic, unrelenting pain: that is how many victims of whiplash describe their situation. Whether it was from a physical attack, a fall, or a sports injury, or a rear-ender, a neck strain or sprain can be tremendously painful. Universally referred to as whiplash, this type of injury can be treated and improved within just weeks in some cases. On the other hand, severe instances of protracted pain can last for years, negating one’s ability to work and to enjoy family life.
Common Symptoms of Whiplash
Although each case is unique, most affected by whiplash suffer some combination of these symptoms:
- Increasing pain with movement;
- Inflexible neck;
- Pain initiating at the base of the neck and escalating into a headache;
- Lessened range of motion in the neck;
- Arm, shoulder, and back pain;
- Tingling and/or numbness of arms;
- Concentration issues;
- Wooziness;
- Sleep challenges;
- Fatigue;
- Blurring vision;
- Ringing in the ears;
- Irritability;
- Difficulty remembering;
- Depression.
Diagnosing Challenges
Although there is no conclusive test to diagnose whiplash, an exam will help your physician to determine the extent of your pain and motion limitations. Imaging tests may be ordered to rule out other injuries:
- MRI: Radio waves can disclose injuries to soft tissues, including to ligaments, disks, and the spinal cord;
- X-ray: This can expose fractures, dislocations, or arthritis;
- CT Scan: Bone damage can be revealed with cross-sectional images obtained with this device.
Treatment Options
Potential treatments can help to diminish discomfort and improve flexibility. They include rest, muscle relaxers, heat and cold packs, and pain medications or injections, often in conjunction with physical therapy and the wearing of a foam collar.
Who’s Responsible for the Injury—and the Bills?
There is often more to address than the pain with this type of injury. Were you the victim of a rear-end accident, as so many victims of whiplash are? Perhaps you were injured while playing a sport. Some people sustain these injuries as the result of a beating or some other form of abuse. In myriad situations, there is someone who is directly or indirectly responsible for your injuries. That leads us to some important questions. Who is liable for your pain? How will your life be affected by this injury, and for how long? How much are current and projected medical bills? How can you substantiate that your injuries are real? Tough questions–but with the assistance of an experienced and aggressive personal injury attorney, it is possible to get answers, and for you to receive compensation to address your medical bills, lost earnings and more.
Statute of Limitations
While it may be difficult to think about damages in your condition, under Maryland law you have just three years from the time of injury to file a personal injury lawsuit. That’s why it’s important for you to focus on your recovery, while the effective personal injury attorneys at The Law Office of Hammad S. Matin, P.A. pursue compensation on your behalf. Schedule a confidential consultation with the La Plata & Waldorf personal injury lawyers today.